Sunday, May 16, 2010

What drink did the Puritans take with them on the Mayflower? Anyone??

Vodka and grapefruit juice...They got drunk once for several days out at sea on their way here and they changed their name to the "PartyUns" for a while (they thought the play on words was funny when they were drunk, I guess)...then they sobered up and prayed a whole lot and changed their name back because they felt real guilty and they ran out of vodka

What drink did the Puritans take with them on the Mayflower? Anyone??
Diseases are what they brought......they were a source of disease that devastated Native American populations. But what did they care, all they wanted were religious freedoms. It's too bad cause without agricultural help from Native Americans, Puritans would not have lasted long!!!!
Reply:Everything you need can be found here....
Reply:absolut Vodka. because it kept them warm, and kept them from thinking about sinking.. they also had green tea for those who couldn't drink the vodka
Reply:that's easy..........other puritans.
Reply:well since it seems my 4 yr old daughter knows everything about the mayflower i will ask her.. haha kidding..

i would guess water
Reply:Had to be booze to rot their already ignorant brains.Then to hit land and come up with the Salem witch trials.Ignorant Religious freaks.
Reply:Beer, it traveled well.
Reply:beer, in fact the puritans had originally planned on making their colony much further south in a much better climate...but the bber supply ran out so they said "screw it, lets just land by than big rock over there"
Reply:Water----anything else would spoil such as juices etc.
Reply:BEER and water

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