Friday, May 21, 2010

How did the Great Awakening prepare America for independence?

I have to answer one of these three questions

1.) How did the Great Awakening prepare America for independence?

2.) Describe England's moral condition in the 1700s.

3.) How did the Mayflower represent America?

please, answer one of these three questions with complete details

thank you.

How did the Great Awakening prepare America for independence?
Historians have debated whether the Awakening had a political impact on the American Revolution, which took place soon after. Heimert (1966) argues that Calvinism and Jonathan Edwards provided pre-Revolutionary America with a radical and democratic social and political ideology and that evangelical religion embodied and inspired a thrust toward American nationalism. Colonial Calvinism was the basis for the American Great Awakening and that in turn lay at the basis of the American Revolution. Heimert thus sees a major impact as the Great Awakening provided the radical American nationalism that prompted the Revolution. Awakening preachers sought to review God's covenant with America and to repudiate the materialistic, acquisitive, corrupt world of an affluent colonial society. The source of this corruption lay in England, and a severance of the ties with the mother country would result in a rededication of America to the making of God's Kingdom.
Reply:Answers to: -

1. The British assisted the Colonists to rid the French from NA and it cost the UK 500,000 pounds a year to maintain the British garrison to protect the Colonists. The Colonists wanted this, but didn't want to pay for it in taxes. Also Washington wanted a commission in the British Army %26amp; didn't get one; he spat the dummy out %26amp; wanted a fight.

2. The UK were at their best, but didn't expect treason from the Colonists, that they defended from the French!

3. The Pilgrims were persons who were discriminated in the UK for their religious beliefs!

If you want more I will be honoured to!

By the way, to stick to the Colonists, the UK gave "your so called traitor Benny Arnold" a commission in the BA; this was to stick it to GW!!!!!!

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