Friday, May 21, 2010

Can you help me with this Colonial Quiz HW?

You have to match the phrases with the correct colony.

1.Named after Lord De La Warr

2.James Oglethrope and debator's prisons

3.the Mayflower Compact

4.Roger Williams and other Rebels

5. Colony run by Catholics

6.pirate Anne Bonney

7. John Rolfe and Pocahontas

8. the patron system

9 Penn's Woods

10.Charleston the buisest port in the South

11.Revrend Thomas Hooker

12.Samoset helped the pilgrims

13.originally part of Pennsylvania

14.The toleration Act

15.many of the leaders from Barbados

16.Quackers and brotherly love

17.named after King George II

18.Salem witch trials

19.Peter Minuit's Land deal

20.named after the county in England

Can you help me with this Colonial Quiz HW?
19-Manhatten Island for 24 dollars worth of trinkets.


Reply:1. Delaware

2. Georgia

9. Pennsylvania

10. West Virginia (I think? Not sure)

18. Massachusetts
Reply:1 - Delaware

3 - MAssachussets

4 - Rhode Island

5 - Maryland

7 - Virginia

9 - Pennsylvania

10 South Carolina

13 - Probably New Jersey

16 - Pennsylvania

17 Georgia

18 Mass

20 - New York
Reply:1- delaware

2 - georgia

3 - massachusetts

4 rhode island

5 maryland

6 south carolina

7 virginia

8 new york

9 pennsylvania

10 south carolina

11 connecticut

12 massachusetts

13 delaware

14 maryland

15 south carolina

16 pennsylvania

17 georgia

18 massachusetts

19 new york

20 new hampshire

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