Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Isn't this curiious?

Across the street from the Mayflower Side entrance on Desales street. there is a main stream media out let and daliy Network news people even anchors walk right past that door.

on occasion If you sit near that door long enough you could see "ladies" spirited through that side door after an hour or two they exit , not to return that night. sometimes Several a day. a curious and resourceful individual could put pieces together. What if that news Agency trained a camera on that door and also on the main entrance? on a certain day one Kristen may have been seen entering the side door and followed to room 871 and not too long after the gov of NY would have been observed entering the hotel by another door and followed to the same room? I know its a stretch , but Call girls at the Mayflower are as regular as a person on a high fiber diet.

Isn't this curiious?
And your question is what? "isn't this curiious?" Frankly, I could care less about these types of "scandals." The only ones that bother me are when the politicians actually steal our money or exchange political favors for money.


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