Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can we deny citizenship to all descendants of the MAYFLOWER?

Since they never got permission to immigrate from the Americans. Its like Mexico giving permissions to the Mexicans to USA. IT does not make sense that now these Europeans illegals are trying to deny citizenship to illegal Mexican Kids. Hypocrisy at its best!!

Can we deny citizenship to all descendants of the MAYFLOWER?
What is it about "The sovereign nation of the United States" that you cannot get? This isnt about long dead pilgrims, natives and conquistadors... this is about a modern country's laws being desecrated and violated.

Before you open your mouth... tell Mexico to let its illegals from Guatemala and the rest of South America into its lands first. Follow what you preach before YOU and your illegal friends start looking like a hypocrite.

You knowwhat... its precisely treasonous cowards like you, not the illegals, who are ruining the United States.
Reply:The statement/question made is far from hypocrisy. The pilgrims are dead! Let's just round up the present day illegal aliens and deny them rights in America.. Woo hoo.. I am for that.
Reply:boy you must be smoking some bad weed to believe the bs your posting tonight?
Reply:Nobody would be running here for a "better life", if it werent for those europeans who created this country and got it up and running. This would be one giant Mexico if it werent for those europeans, and then where would all these present day illegals go? Invading Canada? LOL
Reply:Everyone immigrated from somewhere. Stop dreaming about the past and get with the times. Deport all illegals.
Reply:Europeans made this country yeah right!! I t's more like they stole from other countrys and made themselves greedy , thieving sons on bi*thches~! Yeah they started this country by stealing other peoples wealth!!!
Reply:Your question is ignorance at its best.

The Native Americans never had a unified country that encompassed the territory America does now. The European settlers/illegal immigrants came and MADE the country. How on earth can they follow rules that didn't exist? There are laws now, there were none before.

Try to find a more current example.


Reply:Actually, the Pilgrims had legitimate backing on the part of the Dutch gov't, thru a joint-stock venture, and when they got here, they received help and approval from the Natives that were here. So, your analogy is completely invalid. Point is, there are laws in order to limit the influx of diseased, uneducated, criminal, and mentally unstable immigrants. There are enough of these people here as it is. The government just wants to know who's coming over the borders, and has the right to restrict immigration to protect the safety and economy of our country. Everyone has an equal chance to come to this country legally. I have no problem with immigration. I just want to be able to pick and choose...
Reply:get over it already. they are dead. go dig them up and deport their a sses. lord, grow up.
Reply:even native americans were immigrants at some point brainiac!!!
Reply:It's too late,they already caused their damage.
Reply:you have a wonderful point
Reply:There were no pre existing laws to break now there are get over it. Illegal is illegal.
Reply:Thanks...I quite agree with you. The only known non-immigrants in this country were the Indians- so for us black, white, Asians, Latino folks etc to speak about other aspiring immigrants as if they are criminals is just wrong...agree there are rules now. There were rules then too- the head Indian determined who lived where- sort of allocate resources etc....we killed him and everyone else that opposed us- so should we say it's right for Mexican immigrants to kill us all, just because they can? No, the law forbids! The least we can do is see this from our President' view point, let them stay but they must be ID'd and should pay into the system like the rest of us- if nothing else, that' one of the brightest idea Mr. Prez has come up with. Good Question!
Reply:have you ever heard of thanksgiving

and those Indians gave up the land for casinos

REMBER read a history book next time moron

You also seem to forget who wrote the same rules that you are making a point out of

you can not bite the hand that feeds you

Remember the men who died to give you all this freedom

I will give you one guess where they came from
Reply:Please clarify which "Americans" held controlling authority over the area encompassing Plymouth in 1620.

Please also detail how the passengers of the Mayflower would have reasonably ascertained the validity of said controlling authority.

Include proof that the controlling authority you name did not, in fact, become so by invading the area and conquering a previously existing tribal people. Provide at least 5000 years of historical records to substantiate this.

If your named controlling authority did, in fact, assume that status by right of conquest, then either

A) They are disqualified from consideration as the rightful controlling authority (thus we stand Darwin on his head),


B) There is no precedent preventing any later arrivals from assuming the status of controlling authority by similar right of conquest.

If I come to your house, kill you and take all your stuff, Higher Law aside, the only reason it's wrong is because we have a nation that has structure built upon a legal framework that includes laws that define what I did as being illegal.

Apart from that nation and it's legal framework, if I'm tougher and stronger, and/or have more firepower than you, I can show up any day of the week at your place and do whatever the heck I want, and you can't do jack to stop me.

Fair? Yes, or Darwin's a liar.

So, man up! It's nothing more than "survival of the fittest". You can't get all touchy-feely and weepy-eyed about the fallout of human conquest and advocate Darwin all at the same time; it's a package deal. You want one, you get both.

So, now, SINCE the Mayflower landed, and history unfolded, and the land has become the United Staes of America, and there is NOW an established legal framework that defines what is legal and what is not, we now see that the totality of the required structure is in place to validate the authority of the laws that define that coming into the country without permission is NOT legal.

We got the land. We built the nation. Once permission for entry was NOT required, but now, generally for reasons of control of the public health, it is. You want in, you stand in line with everyone else who's playing by the rules and get permission or get lost.

[takes deep breath]

NOW, do I think that getting permission is a whole lot more difficult and expensive than it needs to be?


There's no reason it needs to take years and hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to get a Green Card and get on the road to legitimate United States citizenship.

But, THAT is a separate problem from the question you asked, the answer to which is a resounding "NO!"

P.S. -- Fifty-five years of mostly amicable relations between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims came to a violent end in1675 when the Wampanoag delcared war on the white settlers over resentment about the concept of land ownership. Within a year, the Wampanoag chief was dead, and the New England tribes were vanquished and brought under control of the growing colonies.

Learn more about the Wampanoag at their official tribal website:
Reply:As I remember the ones in the mayflower decimated the natives then, so the inmigration thing with the Mexicans is just a line to the story.
Reply:I think is just fair. Unless we admit that is OK to invade any country if they can not defend themselves.
Reply:I always thought the earth belonged to us all. It is very unfair to put up barriers of any kind but we need to be practical. I say, remove anyone's necessity to leave their place of birth by making a heaven of all parts of the world and some of our poblems will be solved.
Reply:Yes, my people deny you all citizenship; back you all go to wherever your people came from.

We want outr casinos filled with the real Native Americans.

PS Mexicans are Native Americans too and they were all here in the US before we took Texas Territories from them

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