Friday, November 13, 2009

When the mayflower first came, were those people were considered ilegals ?

I mean there was no thing such as INS or anything, so I think they were ilegals.

When the mayflower first came, were those people were considered ilegals ?
By today's standards, yes they were.
Reply:First of all, it is spelled "illegals." No, they were not considered illegal because they came to the New World to escape religious intolerance-not to try to take and steal as much a sthey could.
Reply:Read some books from Native Americans and you find, white people, liars,tiffs, assassins,murders,strangers, but no,they do everything illegal but no was considered illegals;

Your forefathers crossed the great waters, and landed on this island. their number were small.They found friends and not enemies.They told us they had fled from their own country for fear of wicked men, and come here to enjoy their religion. They asked for small seat.We took pity on them,granted their request, and they sat down amongst us. WE gave them corn and meat.They gave us poison in return. The white people had no found our country. Sagoyewhata, Seneca.
Reply:Be realistic, you're talking hundreds of years ago before there was government in the sense of governance now in place. Ask the native americans how they felt after ship after ship of palefaces came upon their shores.
Reply:of course they were. They took on a land that wasn't their's to begin with.But if it didn't happen in the first place I wouldn't be here in the good ol' USA. But all illegal the Pilgrims. I am guessing not in the law as it is seen today. I feel ticked that illegals come over take things from me. and I have to make due for them, I make too much money but I have nothing. LOL. Maybe that is what makes America, America. Those who are born here get crapped on. Foreingers get the world handed to them when the step on US soil.See the pattern. Has happened for centuries.
Reply:There needs to be a law in place for something to be illegal. There were no laws at that time restricting people from coming to the new land. Therefore, no, they weren't illegals.
Reply:History 101. New Land was founded, People fled England/Europe for taxes without representation. Region was not a choice. They found this new land and wanted to start their own country. Great Man fought for the rights for this country, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion. This was also before the 1920's when US had a problem of ILLEGALS immigrants. In 1920's the US had a problem with ASIANS, bring over small-pox and also the SPANISH FLU. Congress pass a law to limit the amount of people coming over. One of the major reason is the spread of diseases.

The people that came over on the mayflower were not ILLEGALS. We had no laws about it. Please pay attention in history or even read a book.
Reply:that was before there were any LAWS or a nation called AMERICA
Reply:If there was no such thing--then there was no law broken. Duh...
Reply:to late for that now but this is now and its not to late and if you are mexican why not spew this crap to spain? didnt they invade you and make you speak spanish i think you guys should give them a call and demand whats owed to you lol
Reply:I bet the Neo Conservatives back then said those people were liberators.
Reply:Ahahahah! That's a wonderful point. We were illegals, and we took over. Poor native americans, they should have the right to this land, because we are all still illegals. Lol!
Reply:No, there were no laws limiting general immigration until the 1920's. Until that time there was considered to be enough room for everyone. No one was illegal before then (except for a few specialized rules against immigration for prostitutes, etc.)

Also, the United States was not built yet then, so no one was trying to break into it. As it was built and became an economic power, it started attracting more poor of other countries than it wanted to support, as did other developed countries. It, and other developed countries, put laws in place to regulate how many poor immigrants would come.

In addition, when the Mayflower came they did not put their kids into schools built and paid for (subsidized) by others. They built their own schools and educated their own kids. It was a very different world, on many fronts.
Reply:We did not begin to have immigration laws in this country until the 1800's. Those coming before that time were not considered "illegal". Only those entering in after the laws, (and there have been several Acts of Congress regarding immigration over the years), illegally would be considered "illegals".

Most people who comment on this subject don't have a clue about Acts of Congress or the laws, they are commenting usually on their ignorance, as evidenced by some of the racist remarks I have seen on this site.

If they were educated, they'd know in 1986, Congress passed an immigration Act that allowed illegals to prove continuous residency since 1982, therefore allowing those to remain LEGALLY in this country. I'll bet less than 1% of the people blowing their mouths off about illegals actually know of that important Act of Congress.
Reply:You do need a history book-get one on the Indians too-some were glad to learn new things and try to work with the new people and helped create this new nation. What you think and what you know are two different things.
Reply:Well, when the Pilgrims landed they were NOT the first Europeans to be living in the New World... the Spanish had been in North America since about 1564 and Santa Fe was already a European settlement by 1608 and was formally recognized as the seat of Government in 1610... so the English in the Mayflower were late comers... and, given the conditions at the time, the Spanish DEFINITELY would have considered them to be illegals.
Reply:How could ANYTHING be considered ILLEGAL back THEN??!! They did NOT break any LAWS,because there were NO LAWS to be broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Since there was no formal government and no official laws until Europeans came to the Americas, there was no legal or illegal. So, to answer your question: No, the European settlers were not illegals.
Reply:stop being a dummy, take advantage of the FREE education which this wonderful country provides for you ignorant immigrants and stay awake long enough to learn some AMERICAN history! Or go sniff some more paint. Dumb immigrants.

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