Friday, November 13, 2009

In the Mayflower Compact of 1620, are there any lies in the document?

Define what you describe as a lie.

In the Mayflower Compact of 1620, are there any lies in the document?
That would be hard to tell. The copies we have now are are considered forgeries of the original and have nothing of the original Mayflower document in them and is known to be a complete forgery.

The original Mayflower Compact was printed in England before the ship sailed.

The document that we have, is not really the Mayflower Compact at all and contains little if any of it's content.

It's "good government" theme that we see now was able to be substituted for the original material in the document because the English governors controlled all printing presses in the Colonies at the time.

The Mayflower colonists were all "dissenters" and were being persecuted by the English government. England's official religion was Anglicanism and the Mayflowers' colonists were dissedent Protestants, Anabaptists, Baptists and Presbyterians who refused to convert to Anglican Church.

In England persons who were not members of the Church of England were not allowed to own land or hold government office. Members of dissenter churches were often imprisoned and sometime executed if they spoke out too forcibly for the right to worship as they wanted and for the restoration of their right to own land.

The Mayflower Dissidents sought to escape these persecutions. Besides the wish for religious freedom, the promise of owning land was the main reason the Dissenters wished to emigrate to the New World in the Mayflower and settle as far away from Jamestown as they could get.

One egregious error that proves the current version is a forgery is that it refers to the Virginia colony established by Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia in Jamestown approximately 12 years before the Mayflower made it's voyage.

Jamestown was the adminstrative Capitol of all 13 Colonies at the time and in 1620 all printing presses were controlled by the government and it is doubtful the New England Colony had access to a printing press.

Secondly, the "Mayflower Compact" is an almost a word for word copy of a pamphlet written by an English revolutionary who wished political change and the document was one of hundreds that were circulating at the time -- the English Revolution would happen several years later.

Jamestown residents were known to support government reform as set out in the forged "Mayflower Compact." It is thought that if he or whoever forged the new document gave it the same name of the religious dissenters document "The Mayflower Compact", so it would be attributed to the New England colony, not to anyone living Jamestown or Virginia.

The fact that most of the information found Wikipedia which is one of the most unreliable reference sources in the world, is highly inaccurate and it is sad, especially as it covers and important event in American history and prints what is mostly a fictional account written during the Amercian Revolution.

Wikipedia has to be the most unreliable and unfactual reference source in existence.

The hand written versions of the real "Mayflower Compact" that exist show the original document was religious in nature and had more to do with the seperation of church and state and the freedom of religion and was in no wise a political treatise.

The real Mayflower Compact was written by Baptists, Anabaptists, Presbyterians and other fundamentalist Christian groups. The written copies show that the original "Mayflower Compact" dealt with how to live a Christian lifestyle in the New World and was more a religious tract.

It sought to establish a colony based on moral Christain conduct, the forms of worship to be used in churches and how churches should be constructed so as to avoid "graven images" which existed in Catholic and Anglican churches.

It is supposed that if someone ever found one of the originals printed in England it would be among the most valuable documents ever found in the world.

The document refered to as the "Mayflower Compact" in "that aforementione reference source" was written in the early 1600s but the story around it was embellished during the American Revolution about 100 years later.

The story of the Mayflower's voyage and all it's reported historic attempt to reach Virginia, but gee it missed Virginia, is also American Revolutionary propaganda. The story in "that refernce source" was taken from American Revolutionay rewritting of history to show that settlement in North America was a seach for democratic principals from the beginning.

The rousing story about how the Dissenters in the Mayflower wanted to land in Virginia is completely false, the Dissenters wanted to be as far away from Virginia as they could get.

Furthermore the place where the Mayflower landed was well known because it served as a temporary fishing camp of fisherman who sought salted cod to be brought back to England. The waters around England had been largely fished out and the amount of cod brought back made many rich.

Furthermore whalers found that a large colony of whales followed a migratory passage in that part of the Atlantic and they found an abundance of easy pickings.

The Pilgrims in the Mayflower knew exactly where they wanted to go. They knew they could depend on fishing and whaling until a viable Dissenter colony could take root. Every statement in the document is a lie in that it doesn't represent the original purpose of the "Mayflower Compact" in any respect. whatsoever.

Every statement in the document purported to be the "Mayflower Compact" and the story in a certain reference source is a long stretch of the imagination.

It does it report that the New England colony and the Virginia Colony were religious enemies, not friends and the last place the Mayflower wanted to go was Virginia and the historical reasons why the Pilgrims chose the area they chose.

The Pilgrims also settled north of Hollands settlement in what is now New York to put a political wall between them and Virginia. The Dutch settlers were mostly Dissenters as well and in the Mayflower passengers eyes, the Dutch colony was friendly, the Virginia colony unfriendly.
Reply:I quickly read it, and they were not the first colony. There was an earlier colonization effort now known as the "lost colony." No one knows what happened to those colonists, who included Virginia Dare, supposedly the first European child born in North America. There's also very strong evidence of earlier visits by the Vikings and some Viking settlements, but no evidence either way whether the Viking settlements were every intended to be permanent.


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