Monday, November 16, 2009

I saw a movie, on TV about the Mayflower crossing, the crossing seemed genuine, but the meeting with the?

Indians seemed like a lot BS and 21st century political correctness, anyone else agree?

I saw a movie, on TV about the Mayflower crossing, the crossing seemed genuine, but the meeting with the?
I didn't see it, but the History Channel tends to fudge a lot of details. Read a book about the Pilgrims, don't trust the TV, even if its the History Channel.

Need I say more?
Reply:What they won't tell you in the history books is what a FIASCO

the whole thing was, right up to where the British kicked

the Dutch out of New Amsterdam (New York).

The history books always say that the dutch got manhattan from

the Indians for $26 worth of beads. But they neglect to tell you that the British got manhattan at gunpoint from the Dutch for $1.

The Dutch were terrible administrators and needed the help of the forthright British if they were going to make a go of it.

As far as the indians were concerned, it wasn't like they'd never seen a white man before. They'd been trading furs for ages with the white man and Plymouth was just another fort for trading as far as they were concerned. These pilgrims just dressed funny.

Besides, half of them died and the rest left the next spring.

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