Friday, November 13, 2009

Do you like my poetic interpretation of the Mayflower Pact?


Compacted Mayflowers

In the name of God, Amen.

In men, with names unwritten

For our sovereign, James

Virginia we claim, for the King!

In the year…Anno. Dom. 1620

Covenant and combine together,

Civil Body Politick named.

Proclaimed, order and preservation,

We hereby enact, constitute and frame

A just set of laws of equality

At Cape Cod on November 11th

A promise we make to the King,

Your obedient and submissive colony

All for thee, Lord of Brittan, France and Ireland,

Our Sovereign, fret not, we’re so far away.


Do you like my poetic interpretation of the Mayflower Pact?
Are you sure Cape Cod was really Cape Cod, back then?

And maybe not something like 'Algal Slip', or 'Urchin Point'...or maybe: 'Oyster Cut'?


After all, the Virginia Colony boys that landed at Seashore State Park (Cape Henry) to fill their kegs with swampy 'blackwater' would not recognize the place now: it's called 'Fort Story', and 'First Landing State Park' these days! I guess that just indicates our sad state of advanced oppression and know, the very thing those refugees and political prisoners in 1607 and 1609 were hoping so desperatety to escape from.

Actually its pretty darn good...but he's right about the word flow on the dates.
Reply:Just a few word-plays here and there...we in literature can get away with (and enjoy) so much that would be lost in film or video! But I did like Rocky and Bullwinkles 'Fractured Fairy Tales' I also like to re-interpret most other stories...including the biblical ones! Report It

Reply:I especially like the title! Thanks for the history lesson. I've forgotten about the Mayflower Pact. Very good poem. Perhaps if I was taught through the use of poetry, I would've remembered.
Reply:I really liked it.You are an excellent poet and it;s nice to see your great work....Shelly
Reply:In the year...Anno Dominum 1620 is repetitive.

One or the other.
Reply:Why do all your questions start with ***** and end with ***** ?
Reply:IT IS VERY WELL WRITTEN!!!! Good job.


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